Our church exists to proclaim the reality and relevance of Jesus Christ to every person. There’s simply no one quite like him. Find out why.



Jesus Christ is not a fairytale. He is a real historical person who did real historical things. And he made real claims about himself that can’t be ignored.

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What impact has Christ had on the world? There’s so much we could show you, but we’ll focus on some key areas of history and human experience.

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We want you to hear for yourself what people are saying about the difference Jesus makes. Once we’ve finished the content, we’ll make the link active.

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How should I respond to the truth about Jesus? When you realise Jesus is the King of life and love, you offer him your life and love in return!

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Contact Us

Email:  virginiabanyo@gmail.com

Phone: 07 3266 9335


                 341 ST VINCENTS ROAD, BANYO

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